Grounding In My Garden

The garden is so pretty and peaceful right now. It is 5 o'clock and the fall sun is warm. I have come for lettuce and I'm just having such a wonderful time grounding, looking at the trees and out at the ocean, and the flowers around me –fuchsia yellow, green, brown of the earth, the corn stalks are dying off, the grapes are dying off. It is fall. Being in this garden gives me peace.
I give great thanks to be here right now. Or should I say "to be here now"?
My purple velvet sweatshirt is too warm, so I unzip it and take it off and just let my skin feel the sun. The dog barks mildly and at intervals in the distance, the birds chirp closer in. The wind rustles the dry corn stalks just a little, so that they also seem to talk. There is a bee flying around. Buzzing.

And now I just heard a hummingbird whirring in back of me. I caught a glimpse of it in the yellow flower behind me, right next to the bright pink fuchsia bougainvillea on the right.
A lone car comes up Hidden Valley and turns left. It goes down the driveway below the garden to one of our neighbors' houses.
Now again silence, and then the sounds of the garden.
I give thanks, so much thanks, that I am experiencing all of this.
It surely feeds my soul.

© Marianne Mejia 2012

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